What I keep in mind when choosing your personalised herbal blend.

What is a herbal tincture?

Herbs preserved in alcohol (suitable for vegetarians and all religious groups), referred to as a tincture, taken for health benefits.

Up to 10 of these herbs may be combined in one bottle for improving your health.

100 ml bottle R 195  Personalised Herbal Tincture. Prices may change due to many factors.

20 drops to be taken 2 - 3 times a day in a little water or juice.

Herbs to avoid when you have/suffer from:

Epilepsy: Gingko Biloba, Schizandra

Peptic ulcers: Angelica, Coleus Forskoli, Schizandra

Affected kidneys: Uva Ursi

Hypertension/HBP: Butcher's Broom, Liquorice, Mistletoe, Schizandra, Nettle

Menstruation: Aloe Vera

Pregnancy: Angelica, Ashwaganda, Chasteberry, Goldenseal, Juniperberry, Schizandra, Passionflower, St.John's Wort.

Caution: Always tell your herbalist or healthcare practitioner which healthcare medication you are taking and which health concerns you have before taking herbal remedies.

What's macrophages?

Macrophages are a type of White Blood Cells that function as a Phagocyte.

Macrophages are not present in the bloodstream but are present at locations where body organs interface with the environment, such as the Lungs, Spleen, Bone Marrow and Liver.

What’s phagocytes?

Phagocytes are a collective term for Cells of the Immune System that can engulf and digest  Bacteria, Protozoa, Cells and Cell debris.  Macrophages & neutrophils normally function as Phagocytes.  Monocytes can function as  Phagocytes (after their conversion to Macrophages within the body).  Phagocytes remove dead Cells from the walls of Blood Vessels (thereby  participating in the prevention of Atherosclerosis).  Phagocytes facilitate the removal of dead Cells from the body (via the process of Apoptosis):   The process of Apoptosis involves the single “deletion” of scattered Cells by fragmentation into membrane-bound particles that are then engulfed and digested by Phagocytes. Phagocytes surround & allow Lysosomes to release Enzymes &  Superoxide Free Radicals that destroy (digest)  Antigens that have been identified as foreign & marked for destruction.  The process of destruction of Antigens by Phagocytes & Lysosomes is known as Phagocytosis.  Phagocytes allow Lysozyme (contained in Lysosomes) to destroy many forms of Detrimental Bacteria, & can destroy many types of Cancer cells & Viruses. 

 What’s lymphocytes? 

Lymphocytes are a group of Agranulocyte White Blood Cells that comprise 25% of the total number of White Blood Cells in the healthy human body.  Lymphocytes are formed within the various  organs that are composed of Lymphoid Tissue (e.g. Lymph Nodes) and are transported around the body via Blood Circulation and in Lymph (Lymphatic Fluid) via Lymph Vessels.  Lymphocytes are responsible for the specific  resistance of the body to disease. Lymphocytes are stored in the Tonsils in readiness to attack Antigens that may enter the body via the Respiratory system.