P.E.T and what it means and why I use it for packaging.

As a natural health care provider, I am obviously determined to use biodegradable products for my packaging. All my bottles are used for their strength, thermo stability and transparency.

My packaging is inexpensive so that I do not pass on extra costs to you, my clients., 

The bottles are lightweight, shatter resistant and recyclable. Non toxic and does not contain BPA.

I have knowingly refused to spend money and time on eye-catching packaging and labels over the past 15 plus years of making skincare.  It would have been easy to quadruple my profits with the use of fancy and expensive packaging. I do not want people to buy my products because they LOOK good but because they ARE good.

I prefer to invest my client's money on the best ingredients and to use packaging that is harmonious with the environment.

With the recent COVID 19 pandemic, sourcing bottles has been rather difficult as there has been an increased need for hand sanitisers in the market place. Some of my products have had to be adapted and I have introduced "re-fill" bottles . Bring me your sanitised re-fill bottle and receive a discount.