Healing Cream - A Best Seller!

Healing Cream - my Bestseller for Years!

Before I tell you about the ingredients and many uses of my best selling Healing Cream, a little background on how it all began.

Many years ago, probably 11 or 12 years, I went on a trip with my 2 young children, to a farm in the middle of nowhere, that had been highly recommended. (To this day I still really don’t know why!)

I remember a cramped, not very well equipped cottage at the end of a long winding road into the valley, flies buzzing around in the sticky heat, a small dam full of leeches and creepy crawlies where we could definately NOT cool off! My husband was to join us during the weekend, I was alone for a night or two with my daughter (aged 8) and my very active son who was 6 or 7.

While I was busy unpacking, the kids shot off to explore on their bicycles, all the way to the top of the dirt road we had just come down. Unfortunately the road was just loose brown sand and had a hidden 2 metre drop that my son, Joshua, did not see. He flew down the road and over the handlebars of his bike when he hit that drop. And landed face first on the hard ground.

My daughter and Joshua came screaming (literally) around the corner towards the cottage , Joshua covered in blood, all over his face.

Panic! Alone in the middle of nowhere! Sent daughter off to distant farmhouse for ice, naturally this was melted by the time she got back to me. No basin in sight to start cleaning my child’s face of blood, empty 2 litre cooldrink bottle sufficed as a container, poured water gently over his face. Cannot get in the car and drive, shaken, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. My poor son eventually passed out and I ran to the car for my trusty “toolkit”!

Fortunately I always throw my tool box kit full of my homeopathic remedies in the car whenever we go away. It has my essential oils, gels , creams and various other goodies in it. I started mixing what I thought would soothe, clean and heal his skin and so the healing cream was slowly born. Over the years I have obviously added ingredients and adapted my cream.

Photos show the immediate injury plus the amazing recovery 29 days later, a completely new layer of skin appeared.

Within one month he had a completely unscarred new face!

The many proven uses for my healing cream include:

Cracked heels

Diabetic wounds

Fever Blisters

Athlete's Foot

Insect Bites

Nappy Rash


After surgery - stitches (avoid on non dissolvable stitches)



It has also been used many times for the care and treatment of animals. I successfully helped heal a very expensive racehorse when he cut his throat on barbed wire. There did not seem much hope but my healing cream saved the day.

It has been used to help a cat with a burn wound from a fire when no other vetinary medications worked.

A Staffies wounds , after being badly bitten by another dog, were healed.

Ingredients include the following:

Urea cream

Lavendula Angustifolia

Maleleuca Alternifolia

Maticaria Recutita

Calendula Officianalis

Triticum Vulgare

Bee Propolis


Colloidal Silver

Available in 50 ml or 250 ml.

In acute conditions apply to the skin 5 -6 times per day.

Healing Cream & Consultation Testimonials:

Lana opened her own health store in 2004. We often shared thoughts on issues relating to natural health and assisted each other with sourcing natural health products. We regularly met at training seminars and Health Shop Association meetings. We also regularly met on an informal basis.

Lana has a very energetic, pleasant and warm personality. I know her to be responsible, trustworthy, hard-working and diligent. She is very passionate about natural health and about improving the lives of others. We share a common world-view – one of compassion, unity and working towards building a better world.

Lana Wright closed her health store in 2012 and continued working with clients from her own practice. She is action- and goal-oriented. She takes her profession seriously. I am very impressed with Lana’s professional conduct. She is an asset to any team.


I met Ulanthia many years ago at her shop The Wright Stuff where I was introduced to her amazing Healing Cream, and have not been without some ever since.

About 2 years ago I went to consult with her for a particular skin problem that I had and she spent alot of time researching ingredients and putting much time and effort into a specially made up tincture and cream for me to use. We tweaked the list of ingredients a couple of times to get it just right - always with the utmost patience and professionalism. Ulanthia really impressed me with her interest in my condition-the fact that she spent time on research and then painstakingly explained each and every ingredient and why she had used it. It really made me feel that she takes an interest in her clients and goes the extra mile to make sure her products are individually suited.

In about 6 months she cured a condition that more than one dermatologist told me that I would have to just learn to live with! And almost a year later it is still all clear. I loved her Healing Cream but now realise that she has such a wealth of knowledge and experience that goes far beyond that wonderful cream.

As one of her clients I have always received excellent advice that I totally trust as I know she has gone to great lengths to find the right products for me. She is always professional and very prompt at answering my numerous questions and nothing was ever too much trouble.

I can highly recommend Ulanthia’s products and as a person she is friendly, trustworthy and very professional.

Kind regards

I met Lana because I was looking for a different advice concerning my health and an acquaintance recommended Lana.

When I arrived, the atmosphere Lana had created was very welcoming and friendly and personally adapted to my needs.

While talking, Lana was very present and through listening well and asking the right questions she was able to assess quickly what would help me to heal my condition.

The remedies Lana gave me improved my condition significantly in a short period of time.

I can really recommend her kind professional help.




To Whom it May Concern

I have known Lana for more than ten years as a friend and supplier of health products. She is very passionate about natural health care and has shared her knowledge and products with our community. Her Healing Cream has been an absolute lifesaver in many situations, from bad sunburn to minor kitchen accidents. Her dedication to provide health care products is exceptional and appreciated.

Lana is a very friendly open person with solid values and she always brings joy and happiness to those around her


Lana helped my Daughter who was suffering from excruciating period pains, and after prescribing a range of Natural Supplements, Tinctures and Vitamins, her pains vanished. Ten years later, my Daughter has never had any further pains.

 Lana has a tremendous wealth of knowledge about healing. It comes naturally. She has a great ability to connect at a much deeper level of healing, a gift given and shared, and is able in a sense, to prescribe and operate at the level of cause.

Mrs R

We met Lana Wright when we moved to Melkbosstrand in 2008.

 My husband Patrick had just recovered from a heart attack and was scheduled for a triple bypass, however he decided against open-heart surgery.

 The inhibitor’s that was prescribed to him by the cardiac physician was having an adverse effect causing chronic side effects. Patrick eventually took all the meds and through them into the bin. Needless to add, none of the medication helped with healing the abdominal hernia that had developed in the center of his chest. 

 We met Lana who was running her own Health Store at the Melkbos Shopping Mall and asked her for advise with regards to what Natural Supplements to take for heart repair and cholesterol reduction. Apart from Lana’s kindness and dedication, she went way beyond offering Patrick useful care and information with regards to healing, and to manage the damage caused from the heart attack. 

We were astounded at how well these Natural Supplements worked and how instantly he started to recover and felt so much better. Over the last 10 years Lana has always been approachable, honest and quick to respond to our call for assistance, whenever we had need for advise, or what Natural Products, including her own home made magic recipes to use, for healing various ailments.
