(astragalus mongolius) Increases stamina and endurance, and improving resistance to the cold. Often added to other herbs as a blood tonic. Restores normal immune function in cancer patients. (clinical evidence suggests that, as with a number of other herbs, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer if given astragalus concurrently) Astragalus is a classic endurance remedy and energy tonic, perhaps even more superior to ginseng. Astragalus raises immunity, helps the body to adapt to external influences, esp the cold, raises immune resistance, healing skin eruptions, anaemia, diabetes, prolapsed organs, improves physical endurance. Though a vasodilator/cardio tonic (encouraging blood flow to the surface) astragalus is used for excessive sweating, night sweats, and both relieving fluid retention and reducing thirstiness and encourages the system to function normally. Compliments well with sage for night sweats and with ashwaganda, rhodiola, ginsengs and/or licorice for stress and adrenal/burn out & repair.

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